Давайте встретимся на ART FAIR“SUPERFINE-ART!” в Нью-Йорке 2-6 МАЯ 2018 года!
В эти дни, в одном из самых модных районов Манхеттена, в MeatpackingDistrict/ TheHighLine, будет проходит интереснейшее шоу, в котором впервые примет участие International Art Alliance .
Трое известных, талантливых художников выставят свои работы на одной из наиболее значимых и популярных, в последние годы в Америке, арт-выставке. Причем, все представление ими работы будут продаваться по очень выгодным для коллекционеров и любителей искусства ценам.
Не пропустите свой шанс, посетите выставку и порадуйте себя весенней покупкой, которая не только украсит ваш дом и поднимет настроение, но станет выгодным вложением денег
Многие в США знают и любят творчество художников:
Эти художники принимают участие во многих групповых и персональных выставках по всей Америке, в Европе и на Ближнем Востоке (Дубай).
Сезоны 2017-2018 г., выдались для них исключительно активными, удачными и плодотворными. Их работы неизменно покупают на всех арт-шоу, где бы они не выставлялись.
На этот раз, специально для SUPERFINE-ART!, Елена Лежен и Катя Леонович создали новые циклы работ. Непременно, приходите взглянуть на эти оригинальные коллекции картин, и не забудьте захватить собой кредитные карточки, перед соблазном устоять будет не просто, тем более цены будут весьма привлекательными.

Катя Леонович
Как обычно, International Art Alliance, готовит сюрприз своим гостям. Впервые, мы представим широкой Нью-Йоркской публике Давида Шарашидзе, грузинского художника, последние несколько десятилетий проживающего в Киеве, (Украина).
Работы Давида Шарашидзе, демонстрировались во многих столичных городах Европы, а его выставки в Украине, проходят в самых престижных галереях и музеях.
Картины Шарашидзе находятся в галереях Лондона и Парижа, а так же в частных коллекциях известных любителей живописи по всему миру.
Работы Шарашидзе, самобытны, красочны, декоративны и изысканы, приобрести одну из них, редких шанс для жителей Америки. Этот шанс дарит вам InternationalArtAlliance, не упустите его.
Мы ждем вас в нашем booth №31, по адресу 459 WEST 14TH ST, SUPERFINE, MEATPACKING, NYC. MAY 2-6, 2018
Куратор экспозиции Татьяна Бородина
Выставка открыта:
WEDNESDAY 5.2 ( VIP only)
9PM-12AM Twilight Vernissage
Cotton-candy-clad champagne, popcorn, and whimsical treats
Ethereal handpan sounds by Color of Rhythm
ON DISPLAY by Heidi Latsky Dance: a live deconstructed art exhibit/fashion show that turns a cast of diverse and extreme bodies into a sculpture court breaking down the boundaries between performer and sculpture
Promising talent, Superfine! exhibitor, and world-renowned body painter Trina Merry will perform a live recreation of two pieces from her “Lust of Currency” series which examines the role of art, commerce and society in a commoditized culture.
art|tea|talk panel with Superfine! team | 2-3PM
Artist demonstration | 3-5PM
Complimentary craft beer tastings with Zach Mack, founder of temple of hops Alphabet City Beer Co | 3-5PM
FRIDAY 5.4: 12PM-7PM
Everything You Wanted to Know About the Art Market (But Were Afraid to Ask) with Sebastien Laboureau | 2-3PM
Art demonstration with Cedrik Cavallier | 3-5PM
Art-paired wine happy hour | 3-5PM
From the XX Perspective female arts summit | 2-3PM (featuring Lolita Cros of The Wing, Sophia Dawson of the Lower Eastside Girls Club, Ashley G Garner of Superfine! – The Fair, Carrie Eldridge of NOW ART, and moderated by Jackie Dreier, founder of ArtsClub NYC)
Sake sampling hour provided by SOTO Sake with live Japanese art demonstration by Tomoya Tsuruta of TOMOYAARTS | 3-5PM
SUNDAY 5.6: 12PM-8PM
Collective Perspective: The “Gallery” in 2018 panel discussion | 2-3PM
Art-paired wines happy hour | 3-5PM
Meet International Art Alliance ARTISTS:
Yelena Lezhen, Katya Leonovich, David Sharashilze
at SUPERFINE ART FAIR – 2018, New York
Each Superfine! fair in Miami, New York, Washington DC, and Los Angeles provides a fun, sophisticated, transparent, and approachable atmosphere that encourages our visitors to collect contemporary art.
Emerging art is our lifeblood. To build a thriving and sustainable art market in each Superfine! city takes redefining and honing the concept of an art collector. We create programming and curate an exhibitor base that appeals not only to dyed-in-the-wool collectors but also the rapidly growing, art-loving young professional sector. Our program is relevant, dynamic, and collector-driven.
By partnering with cultural organizations like the Whitney Museum of American Art and Perez Art Museum Miami (PAMM), along with membership based programs like Soho House and Sotheby’s Preferred, we bring maximum visibility to our exhibitors among pairs of eyes that buy. Our fairs are regularly covered in local and national media including the Wall Street Journal, Hi-Fructose Magazine, the New York Post, Miami New Times, and Cultured Magazine, along with an array of blogs and radio + television outlets.
Whether you’re a major collector with a museum bearing your name or a young couple looking to add a contemporary art flair to your chic urban love nest, Superfine! is where you’ll discover the top emerging contemporary art in the world.
Want to add an art layer to your life?
We do the work for you, selecting galleries and artists at the cutting edge of emerging contemporary art, with an array of price points friendly to even the most novice collector.
You need only show up and experience firsthand a new and vibrant art market, one built around transparency and excitement about contemporary art.
Fair Hours
WEDNESDAY 5.2 ( VIP only)
9PM-12AM Twilight Vernissage
Cotton-candy-clad champagne, popcorn, and whimsical treats
Ethereal handpan sounds by Color of Rhythm
ON DISPLAY by Heidi Latsky Dance: a live deconstructed art exhibit/fashion show that turns a cast of diverse and extreme bodies into a sculpture court breaking down the boundaries between performer and sculpture
Promising talent, Superfine! exhibitor, and world-renowned body painter Trina Merry will perform a live recreation of two pieces from her “Lust of Currency” series which examines the role of art, commerce and society in a commoditized culture.
art|tea|talk panel with Superfine! team | 2-3PM
Artist demonstration | 3-5PM
Complimentary craft beer tastings with Zach Mack, founder of temple of hops Alphabet City Beer Co | 3-5PM
FRIDAY 5.4: 12PM-7PM
Everything You Wanted to Know About the Art Market (But Were Afraid to Ask) with Sebastien Laboureau | 2-3PM
Art demonstration with Cedrik Cavallier | 3-5PM
Art-paired wine happy hour | 3-5PM
From the XX Perspective female arts summit | 2-3PM (featuring Lolita Cros of The Wing, Sophia Dawson of the Lower Eastside Girls Club, Ashley G Garner of Superfine! – The Fair, Carrie Eldridge of NOW ART, and moderated by Jackie Dreier, founder of ArtsClub NYC)
Sake sampling hour provided by SOTO Sake with live Japanese art demonstration by Tomoya Tsuruta of TOMOYAARTS | 3-5PM
SUNDAY 5.6: 12PM-8PM
Collective Perspective: The “Gallery” in 2018 panel discussion | 2-3PM
Art-paired wines happy hour | 3-5PM